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Saturday 31 October 2015

11 Reasons Good Employees Quit Their Companies

Hard-working employees are a rare breed today. When they walk out the door, it's sufficiently painful for their bosses and the management. However, there are reasons they are compelled to take the drastic step of putting down their papers.

1. They are under constant pressure.

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Since good employees are high performers, they are always expected to give their best. Due to such high expectations from their bosses and the team, good workers are put under constant pressure to outperform their targets. Expectations are not bad, but constant pressure is definitely unhealthy. It reduces productivity and makes good employees question their ability.

2. Little or no acknowledgement of their effort.

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Hard-working employees are normally high-performers, and as a result, are often taken for granted. After a point, their good work goes unnoticed and they don’t get that much deserved pat on the back. This fails to motivate them to continue their good work. A good performer doesn’t always need acknowledgement, but a pat on the back once in a while is uplifting.

3. Unfair performance rewards.

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There is a big difference between a hard worker and a kiss-ass. However, the management sometimes fails to see these differences. It’s unfair on part of hardworking employees to see less deserving people getting promoted.

4. Unreasonable bosses.

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Most employees quit courtesy bad bosses who make their lives hell just because they can. If an employee is a slacker, a boss’s stern attitude towards the person is reasonable. But the same attitude towards a dedicated employee will only raise questions about the boss’s credibility. If the boss-employee relationship is not smooth, problems arise that compel an employee to explore other options.

5. Unfulfilled promises and commitments.

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If a boss has made the promise of a raise or a promotion, then he, ideally, should stick to his word. But if he disregards his commitment, an honest employee will look for greener, fairer pastures.  

6. The lack of challenges. 

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After a point of time, work becomes easy and somewhat mundane. The employee then finds himself in a comfort zone, making him complacent. When work offers no challenges, a good employee will likely move on.

7. When there's no room for growth.

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When there is no growth, work or designation-wise, employees often quit. Therefore, bosses need to push and motivate their employees to take on more responsibilities. They should provide honest feedback, so that an employee can work on his shortcomings, and beat it.

8. When there's no freedom for creativity.

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If an employees doesn’t have the freedom to be creative with his work, he is going to look around. A good employee knows his responsibilities and will give a personal touch to his work. But when he is forced to work within someone else’s ideals, he will likely look for a situation where he is allowed to be himself.

9. The lack of a big picture.

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When there is a lack of direction, and thereby a future, people feel stuck. Therefore, a good boss should first lay a big picture ahead for their team and then lead them towards the goal like a good shepherd.  

10. Difficult co-workers.

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When it comes to work life, co-workers play a significant role. If a team comprises a few hard-working employees, and a majority of time-passers, the hard-working component is bound to feel uneasy. Reason being, it is difficult and unsatisfying to work with co-workers who don’t share a similar work passion.

11. The inability to speak up.

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It so happens that an employee takes the decision to quit, before discussing it with his boss. Unless you speak up, your opinion is not going to reach the manager because they are tied up with different other things too. Therefore, you need to communicate and voice your opinions more specifically to get what you want.

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