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Thursday 21 July 2016

Get certified with google Analytics Certificate:

There are four main parts of the Google Analytics platform:

This tracking code provides a set of instructions to Google Analytics, telling it which user interactions it should pay attention to and which data it should collect. The way the data is collected depends on the environment you want to track.
JavaScript tracking code to collect data from a website
Software Development Kit, called an SDK, to collect data from a mobile app

Each time the tracking code is triggered by a user’s behavior,Google Analytics records that activity.
tracking code collects information about each activity, like the title of the page viewed. Then this data is packaged up in what we call a “hit.Once the hit has been created it is sent to Google’s servers for the next step -- data processing.

Processing & Configuration
ogle Analytics transforms the raw data from collection using the settings in your Google Analytics account. These settings, also known as the configuration, configure Google Analytics to import data directly into your reports from other Google products, like Google AdWords, Google AdSense and Google Webmaster Tools.Google Analytics to import data from non-Google sources, like your own internal data.
once your data has been processed, it can not be changed

access your data using the Google Analytics Core Reporting API. Using the API you can build your own reporting tools or extract your data directly into third-party reporting tools.

The Data Model:
There are three components to this data model -- users, sessions and interactions.
a user might visit your homepage and then leave right away. This session would have one interaction -- a page view.
a user might visit your homepage, watch a video, and make a purchase. That session includes three interactions.
each individual interaction within a session a “hit.different types of hits -- for example, pageviews, events and transactions. Each one is designed to collect a different type of data.
each interaction that Google Analytics tracks belongs to a session, and each session is associated with a user.

The information that’s collected is packaged up and sent to the Analytics servers via an image reques
This image request is the “hit.” It’s the vehicle that transmits the data from your website or mobile app to Google Analytics.
everything after the question mark is called a parameter. Each parameter carries a piece of information back to Google’s analytic servers

 Website Data Collection:

Google Analytics provides a standard snippet of JavaScript tracking code. This snippet references a JavaScript library called analytics.js that controls what data is collected.
As the tracking code executes, Google Analytics creates anonymous, unique identifiers to distinguish between users. There are different ways an identifier can be created. By default, the Google Analytics JavaScript uses a first-party cookie, but you can also create and use your own identifier.
There are many ways to customize your code to capture additional information about your users, their sessions and the interactions with your site.

 Mobile App Data Collection:

Data from mobile apps is not sent to Analytics right away. When a user navigates through an app, the Google Analytics SDK stores the hits locally on the device and then sends them to your Google Analytics account later in a batch process called dispatching.
For these reasons, the SDKs automatically dispatch hits every 30 minutes for Android devices and every two minutes for iOS devices, but you can customize this time

Measurement Protocol Data Collection
from any device connected to web ,data can be collected from this technology.

Processing & Configuration Overview:
1-Google Analytics organizes the hits you’ve collected into users and sessions.
2-data from other sources can be joined with data collected via the tracking code.
3-Google Analytics processing will modify your data according to any configuration rules you’ve added
4-the data goes through a process called “aggregation.” During this step, Google Analytics prepares the data for analysis by organizing it in meaningful ways and storing it in database tables.

Processing Hits into Sessions & Users:
It’s possible for these IDs to get reset or erased. This happens if a user clears their cookies in a web browser, or uninstalls and then reinstalls a mobile app.
you can override the unique ID with your own number. This lets you associate user interactions across multiple devices
a session ends after 30 minutes of inactivity.We call this period of time the session “timeout length.

Importing Data into Google Analytics:
two ways to add data into your Google Analytics account without using the tracking code:
1-through account linking
2-through Data Import.
Both are managed via your Configuration settings in the Admin section of Google Analytics.

Data Import:
This might include advertising data, customer data, product data, or any other data.
To import data into Google Analytics there must a “key” that exists both in the data that Google Analytics collects and in the data you want to import. The key is the common element that connects the two sets of data.

There are two ways to import data into Google Analytics:
1-Dimension Widening
2-Cost Data Import

Dimension Widening
You can add data using Dimension Widening either by uploading a file or by using the Google Analytics APIs. Uploading a file, like a spreadsheet or .CSV, is easy, but it can be time consuming if you need add data often. To save time, you can build a program that uses the APIs to automatically send data into Google Analytics on a regular basis.

Cost Data Import:
to add data that shows the amount of money you spent on your non-Google advertising.
To import cost data for a specific advertising campaign, you have to have a file that includes both the campaign source and the campaign medium. This information provides the key that can link the two data sources together.

Transforming & Aggregating Data:
Your configuration settings can impact your reports in one of three ways: by including data, excluding data, or modifying how data appears in a reporting View.

Channel Grouping and Content Grouping
(A Channel Group) is a collection of common marketing activities. For example, Display Advertising, Social media, Email marketing, and Paid Search are four common channel groups that are each a roll-up of several marketing activities.
Content Groups are like Channel Groups, except you use them to create and analyze a collection of content.

           {Ex-you might want to group all of your product pages together, like t-shirts, jeans, and            hats, into a group call Product Pages, and group all of your content pages, like blog             posts, together in another group called Content Pages. This would let you quickly see how             well the Product Pages group and the Content Pages group each performed in aggregate.

Data aggregation:
During aggregation, Google Analytics creates and organizes your report dimensions into tables, called aggregate tables.

Reporting Overview:
the first column you see in the table contains the values for a dimension, and the rest of the columns display the corresponding metrics.Google Analytics uses a process called sampling. Sampling helps Google Analytics retrieve your data faster so there’s not a long delay between when you request the data and when you receive it.

Dimensions in Google Analytics:
describes characteristics of your data(a dimension of a session is the traffic source that brought the user to your site. And a dimension of an interaction a user takes on your site could be the name of the page they viewed.)

Metrics in Google Analytics:
are the quantitative measurements of your data. They count how often things happen, like the total number of users on a website or app.averages, like the average number of pages users see during a session on your website.

Visits is a session-based metric(traffic Source or geographic location.)
Time on Page is a hit-level metric.

Report sampling is an analytics practice that generates reports based on a small, random subset of your data instead of using all of your  available data. Sampling lets programs, including Google Analytics, calculate the data for your reports faster than if every single piece of data is included during the generation process.

The sampling limit:
Google Analytics sets a maximum number of sessions that can be used to calculate your reports. If you go over that limit, your data gets sampled.

Session sampling is an effective way to reduce latency while maintaining a high level of accuracy for your reports. It helps Google Analytics process your custom data requests efficientl

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