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Sunday 31 July 2016

How to Pass the Google Analytics IQ Test in Two Days

I am going to tell you how to study for and pass the Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ) test in two days. But, why should you listen to me? I’m just a lowly intern, right? Not only did I manage to go from zero GAIQ experience to passing the test with 94% in two days, but I also spent 3 years as a professional ACT instructor at a leading test prep company.
The GAIQ is a valuable certification that absolutely always results in multiple job offers, Oscar nominations, and your old boss begging to have you back. Failure results in … we won’t get into that because failure is not an option.
So, what will this post help you accomplish? After reading my tips, you will be more confident, more successful, and have better abs. But, most importantly, you will be able to pass the GAIQ exam and apply the skills you have learned to benefit your organization and yourself (like our analytics team). Let’s get started.
Test Overview
The GAIQ test is 90 minutes and 70 questions long, consisting of both multiple choice and True/False questions. You need to answer at least 56 questions correctly to pass (80% and above is passing). Thankfully, once you begin the test, you can pause it any time and return to finish it within 48 hours of when you began.
First and foremost, go to Google's Analytics Academy and watch the Google Analytics Platform Principles and Digital Analytics Fundamentals videos. These are Google’s test prep videos and the best resources to start with. Pause the videos and take notes. The pace of these videos is incredibly fast and, unless you stop to take notes, the majority of your time will be spent staring at a screen with a vacant expression while drool dribbles down your chin.
You’re done watching the videos? Whew. Now, go read Jens Sorensen’s blog post and internalize the information from the videos. I know someone who actually just kept this blog post open during the test and used Control+F to find the information she needed. Though it’s possible to pass the test this way, I still recommend reading through this post in its entirety as it bolsters your retention of the material in the GAIQ videos. Be prepared to take notes and pay attention, though, as it is an extremely long and detailed post.
Wake up! You fell asleep combing through that ridiculously long blog post. It’s time to humble yourself and do some practice problems that are much harder than the actual exam. digitalrelevance has 10 questions you can download and practice. Do them. Then, check your answers, weep at your 50% score, and do them again to reinforce the knowledge you’ve gained thus far.
Ready to embarrass yourself further? Good. Go to this amazing site with more practice problems. Do as many as you are comfortable with; but, I suggest doing at least 20-30 to get a feel for the topics you will encounter during the exam. Once again, these problems are much harder than the actual exam. I did them until I was scoring in the 70% range while using minimal resources.
Resources for the Test
You are now as ready as you’ll ever be. But, before you get started, open up a second browser and get your resource tabs ready. Personally, I used Safari for my resource tabs and Google Chrome to take the test on, mainly so I wouldn’t accidentally close the test tab while looking up information. Here’s a screen shot of my resource tabs for reference. These tabs are vital because, during the test, you will have to look up multiple answers and having the resources open will prove invaluable in saving you time.
First, download this cheat sheet from Matt Gratt’s blog. Give it a quick read so you know what information is on it. Keep it open on your desktop or in a tab on your resource browser. Another useful cheat sheet is available from Blast Analytics & Marketing. I’ve found this guide to be more detailed than the previous one and referred to it more often during the exam.
Now, open up the Google Analytics Help Page, an actual Google Analytics account for a web site, the IP addess range toolJens Sorensen’s blog, and, of course, Google on your resource browser.
Taking the Test
This is it, the moment you’ve been waiting for. Go to the test site in a separate browser and get started. Don’t panic, you’ve got this. You’ve been prepping for two days and you know this stuff backwards and forwards, especially if you’ve followed this guide. Once you've finished, hit submit and wait a few seconds to see your score. Congratulations! You have just taken your first GAIQ test and should be GAIQ certified, if not a veritable GAIQ god. Go add a shiny new line or logo to your resume and take a well-deserved break.
What Now
Now that you've passed the GAIQ test, you're ready to apply what you've learned. Here are a few additional resources to get you started on the right foot. These recommendations are courtesy of seasoned Google Analytics veteran Mitch Daniels.
If you have an e-commerce site, it's certainly worth tracking user transactions. Justin Cutroni published ahelpful post on the topic, and Google's official documentation will certainly come in handy.
Even if you don't have an e-commerce site, there are some key metrics that can provide you with great insight into your site's effectiveness. While it was written several years ago, this post by Avinash Kaushik provides some great recommendations for the goals and KPIs you should be tracking.
Congratulations, you are now well on your way to effective and valuable analysis.

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