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Friday 16 December 2016

Best Ways to Learn Programme

                  Best ways to Learn Programming

  1. CodeHS -- Personally graded, video-then-program format problems, starting with a toy language called Karel and moving up to Javascript, culminating in you making the game Breakout in your browser. Founded by two ex-CS106a TAs at Stanford from which the curriculum was largely adapted. They have probably 40 hours of really good content and, most importantly, provide you friendly, one-on-one help with like ~3 hours turnaround when you need it. Check out my version of Breakout I made after doing all of the content: EpicBreakout. (1)
  2. Google's Python Class -- Unlike above, requires some set-up on your machine (i.e. you're not coding in-browser), but still good. About two days worth of lectures on Python with a handful of good problems, culminating in regular expressions (like a custom CRTL + F in a Word document) and a problem where you descramble an encoded image from a website.
  3. CodingBat -- Python and Java problems. No frills, just the exercises -- probably better for someone with a little bit of background (meaning you know what a function/parameter is and can use The Google to figure out/find syntax/functions you need). The site was made by the same guy who taught the Google Python Class.
  4. Khan Academy -- A few intro tutorials (mostly graphics/animation-focused) in JS using a well-regarded library (Processing.js) and then a wide-open project space for you to see programs other people have made (i.e. the end result and the code) and to make your own, potentially forking off of their work. Here's a game that some guy made that served as inspiration for my version of Breakout: Mercury Subspace. Pretty great, right?
  5. Codecademy -- Solid read-then-write-code format of small problems broken into different subpieces. I used their HTML/CSS tutorials to get a basic background before making my personal website (http://www.thenickhuber.com/) and am going to use their stuff on more advanced JS and jQuery when I get to it. Still, their grader is a bit buggy and there's a large variance in course quality/overlap in material, since everything is written by different people.
  6. Learn Python The Hard Way -- Read-then-implement exercises, starting from no assumed knowledge. Good, but still not as good as interactive problems; I gave up after doing ~20% or so of it because it's unapologetically repetitive, but have read lots of good reviews of it.

Other good stuff I want to check out:
  1. Stanford iPhone course (all slides and assignments: http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs...) -- an iPhone app seems like such a good early project, because it's so easy to show your friends what you've made, but have to figure out how completeable it would be for me. Also, you can't get your problem sets graded if you're just working on your own from the material online.
  2. K&R (http://www.amazon.com/Programmin...) -- Highly regarded intro book on C and implementations of the most canonical algorithms. (If you know of a website that tries to do something like this, would love to get it from you.)
  3. The many CS courses on Coursera and Udacity. However, I think it's really important that you have someone grading your work so that you can get feedback (and that you actually do the problems rather than just watch the lectures). I'm not sure if this is possible if you take the course "off-cycle" and how good the problems are, but still worth taking a look.

After a month, I've now got a better idea of what I can make and this then informs things that I think would be cool to make. At this point, I'm most excited about continuing with this project-based learning approach as I think it's more effective/lasting/fun than more tutorials/classes, but it's still tough to get this outside of the university/work environment.

  1. Note: it's unwinnable right now -- I need to refactor and expand it, including a bunch more powerups and the final showdown with our hero's final boss, The Brick King. FYI, my high score is like 550 and the game gets buggy at high levels. Switching to bullets helps and actually adds some unexpected difficulty. Would love to get your feedback/ideas.

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